Arthur Brown – Interactive Hat

Arthur Brown – Interactive Hat

Arthur Brown Interactive HatOver the years More Control has been involved in some unusual projects but never Hat Automation – until now.

World renowned visual artist Malcolm Buchanan-Dick was recently commissioned by seventies pop legend Arthur Brown (the god of hellfire) to design a new interactive hat.

Having worked with Malcolm before on his bottle pyramid design he contacted Joe Williamson for help.

The scope of the automation was limited to a device that could fit into Arthur's pocket. More Control selected the Omron H3RN 12vdc timer as a reliable choice.

The timer is run from a battery pack and flashes LEDs to simulate Arthur's brainwaves on stage.

If you require any Hat Automation (not that you probably do) please feel free to contact More Control on: +44(0)345 00 00 400.


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21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400


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